Exercise #1

Fun with the tools and beginning scripting


Due time: Please refer to our course web-site


Each person must work on this assignment individually.


In this programming assignment, we familiarize with the learning tool, Unity, that we will be using for the rest of this quarter and begin experimenting with controlling of the main hero object. You should also use this opportunity to:

Most of the time should be spent on asking and looking for answers to:how do I make Unity do Let me know if this is not true.


Unity specific skills you will need, practice, and demonstrate include:

·         Github

o   Branch for your local copy

o   Learn that to save a Unity Project, you only need the following one folder

§  Assets

§  There is no reason to push the other folders to Github (or to submit these)

·         Library, Temp, Logs, obj, .vs

·         Note, if you try to save the Library folder, Github will fail!

·         Basic

o   Open and work with the Unity editor

o   Setup for 2D camera, including setting world size

o   Build to EXE and WebGL

o   Hosting of a WebGL game [optional]

·         User Interaction

o   Polling of keyboard states

·         Unity Objects

o   Work with textures, creation of 2D sprite objects

o   Attach Scripts (MonoBehavior objects)

o   Associate GameObject with scripts the Unity editor

o   Work with the Transform object to modify object position and size


Please refer to my attempt at the solution (links are available off course page). Take note that it can take a significant amount of time to build your game from the Unity editor. E.g., I think it took somewhere between 10 to 20 minutes to build the WebGL version of the game. Remember to always reserve time for building your games for submission. Note, you need to build and submit only the PC-EXE version.

With the world height of 50-unit, you must support the following:


World Camera Setting

·         Height of 50 (Total world height is 100)


Initial Scene

·         Four objects

o   Located at: (1, 1), (-1, 1), (1, -1) and (-1, -1)

o   All with size 1.0


·         Up/Down-arrow keys

o   Objects Positions

§  Move, by the same amount, all four objects away from or towards the origin along each object’s 45-degree trajectory.

§  Each object’s x/y position must be kept in the ranges of:

·         (1, 1) to (50, 50)

·         (-1, 1) to (-50, 50)

·         (1, -1) to (50, -50)

·         (-1, -1) to (-50, -50)

o   Objects Sizes

§  All four objects size increased/decreased by 10% of Input.GetAxis(“Vertical”), this is to say:

// Note, Input.GetAxis(“Vertica”) cab be negative
float s = Input.GetAxis(“Vertical”) * 0.1f;
Vector3 size = new Vector3(s, s, s);
object.transform.scale += size

·         Q-key:

o   Quits the application



Your submission must consist of two parts:

        i.            A zip file name, YouNameEX1.zip, containing

a.       Your entire project, every file in the following one folder: Assets and no more!

                                                              i.      Make sure you remove useless folders and files before the submission.

                                                            ii.      Make sure you do not remove anything useful

                                                          iii.      Make sure after removing files, you can still open your project!

b.      A separate folder containing the PC-EXE build of your project. We will double click on the exe file to run your project.

Credit Distribution

·         (10%) Camera Setting

o    Height of 50

·         (30%) Up/Down Arrow Keys: Position

o    (10%) Up-arrow move objects along 45-degree away from origin

o    (10%) Down-arrow move objects along 45-degree towards origin

o    (10%) Object’s positions between +-1 and +-50

·         (30%) Up/Down Arrow Keys: Scale

o    (10%) Up-arrow scales object size up gradually

o    (10%) Down-arrow scales object size down gradually

o    (10%) Object’s size between 1 and about 6

·         (10%) Q-key to quit application

·         (20%) Proper zip submission

o    (10%) Submission with a zip

§  Unzip and run in the editor properly

§  Source code include this folder: Assets

§  Please remember to delete the rest of the files/folders (especially the Library folder, which can be re-generated at run time).

o    (10%) Submission include an EXE folder 

§  Double click to run the game

This is a single-person assignment.